بحبك يا مصر - فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية

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بحبك يا مصر - فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية

ًسعداء بزيارتكم ويسرنا نقدكم ومقترحاتكم...

بحبك يا مصر - فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية Q. M. Team H. K. A. Fora

    الشاطر يحل

    laila sa

    الشاطر يحل Empty الشاطر يحل

    مُساهمة  laila sa الخميس مايو 06, 2010 6:58 pm

    ………second…. prep school time 1
    Second year exam second term 2
    A-Language Function
    1-Finish the following dialogue (4 M)
    Khalid broke his leg while he was playing football.
    Ahmed : Khalid, ………1………….with your leg?
    Khalid : I broke it.
    Ahmed:………2……….that happen?
    Khalid: Last Sunday, while I was playing football.
    Ahmed: ……3……...you feeling now?
    Khalid: I'm much better now.
    Ahmed :How long ……………….in bed?
    Khalid : I 'll stay in bed for three weeks

    2-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues (3 M)
    a- Magdi and Amir are talking about winning in football..
    Magdi :How do you win at football?
    Amir : …………………………………………….
    b- Amir came late for school.
    Salah :……………………………………………..?
    Amir: Because the traffic was slow.
    B. Reading comprehension
    3-Read and match ( 5 M)

    (A) ( B)
    1-Our new English teacher is
    2-Huda bought a new blouse
    3-The baby is sleeping
    4-She went out to
    5-our brains have a- peacefully in his room.
    b- left and right sides.
    c- friendly and energetic.
    d- collect the boys from school.
    e- ,don't they?
    f- and so did her sister.
    4- Read the following ,then answer the questions : ( 7 M)
    Ten years ago Salma, who was seven years old then , went into her father's library and asked him if she could borrow some books. Salma's father thought that his daughter was interested
    In reading . She chose many big books and took them to the garden outside the house and put them under an orange tree. Salma's father and mother followed her to see what she would do with the books . They were surprised when they saw their daughter standing on
    the books and picking some oranges . Salma's father helped her to pick some oranges and
    told her not to stand on the books again.
    Answer the following questions:
    1-Why was Salma's father happy at first ?
    2-Why did Salma need the books ?
    b) choose the correct answer
    3-Sama is …………….years old now.
    a) seven b) ten c) seventy d) seventeen
    4-The underlined word them refers to …………..
    a) Salma's parents b) the garden c) books d) oranges
    5-Salma's parent's followed her to the ……………
    a) library b) inside the house c) garden d) the kitchen
    C- usage and writing
    5-Choose the correct answer from a , b , c, or d ( 4 M)
    1-Can you compare life in the town ………..life in the village.
    a)with b) in c) at d) of
    2-Sara is a cheerful girl. She ………………a lot.
    a) cries b) lies c) smiles d) uses
    3-I took a lot of photos ……………..my summer holiday.
    a) while b) when c) where d) during
    4-If you told me the truth , I …………..be angry with you.
    a) won't b) wouldn't c) didn't d) haven't
    5-The teacher told us ……………make a noise.
    a) don't make b) didn't make c) not to make d) doesn't make
    6-I never come late to school and …………does my friend.
    a) neither b) either c) so d) too
    7-The new curtains should…………..
    a) wash b) being washed c) to wash d) be washed
    8-Dad was sad when my sister ………….her exams.
    a) filled b) failed c) fell d) fall

    Write questions using the words in brackets ( 3M )
    1-The flight took about two hours. ( How long )
    2-The new computer will be delivered next Monday. ( When )
    3-Hala is cheerful and kind. ( What )

    Read and correct the under lined words ( 4 M )
    1-Huda didn't used to wear glasses.
    2-Judo is least exciting than Football.
    3-Walk as near as the traffic lights and turn left.
    4-There isn't somewhere to leave my car.

    Look at the picture and write four sentences on ( 4 M )
    Fruit and vegetables
    The words in the box may help you

    D- Punctuation
    9-Punctuation the following two sentences: (2 M)
    1- we d like to go to alexandria next summer
    2- hani is a clever boy isn t he

    10- تخصص درجتان لحشن الخط و تنظيم و رقة الإجابة

    Good luck

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