بحبك يا مصر - فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية

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بحبك يا مصر - فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية

ًسعداء بزيارتكم ويسرنا نقدكم ومقترحاتكم...

بحبك يا مصر - فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات فريق قياس الجودة - إدارة حدائق القبة التعليمية Q. M. Team H. K. A. Fora

5 مشترك

    unit 11 for first year

    مستر عطا
    مستر عطا

    عدد المساهمات : 84
    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/02/2009

    unit 11 for first year Empty unit 11 for first year

    مُساهمة  مستر عطا الأربعاء فبراير 25, 2009 12:08 am

    axe فأس ـ بلطة shipwrecked حطام السفينة guns مسدسات
    coat معطف ـ بلطو shipwreck تحطم السفينة useful مفيد
    clock ساعة sail يبحر useless غير مفيد
    first aid box صندوق اسعافات أولية sailor بحار sink يغرق
    hammer جاكوش ـ مطرقة sailing ابحار float يطفو
    knife سكينة biology أحياء hunt يصطاد
    cooking pot اناء طهى biological حيوى hunting صيد
    mirror مرآة biologist عالم أحياء hunter صياد
    rope حبل act يمثل ـ يتصرف surprise مفاجئة ـ يفاجئ
    torch كشاف ـ بطارية actor ممثل surprised مفاجئ ـ مدهش
    describe يصف actress ممثلة human بشرى
    description وصف play يلعب ـ مسرحية humanity بشرية
    partener شريك playwright كاتب مسرحى footprint آثار أقدام
    guess يخمن archaeology علم الآثار fingerprint بصمات
    desert صحراء archaeologist عالم آثار discover يكتشف
    island جزيرة archaeological أثرى discovery اكتشاف
    agree يوافق science علوم escape يهرب
    agreement موافقة scientist عالم business عمل ـ شغل
    disagree يرفض scientific علمى buisenessman رجل أعمال
    disagreement رفض save ينقذ ـ يوفر buisenessmen رجال أعمال
    discuss يناقش saving ادخار buisenesswoman سيدة أعمال
    discussion مناقشة savings مدخرات succeed ينجح ـ يخلف
    differ يختلف design يصمم successor خليفة
    different مختلف designer مصمم successful ناجح
    difference اختلاف inspect يفتش success نجاح
    hurt يضر ـ يجرح inspector مفتش die يموت
    busy مشغول inspection تفتيش dead ميت
    check يفحص geology جيولوجيا death موت
    adventure مغامرة geologist عالم جيولوجى moral أخلاقى
    lonely وحيدا art فن morality أخلاق
    alone بمفرده artist فنان reward يكافئ ـ مكافأة
    mainland اليابسة terrible مرعب ـ فظيع patient صبور ـ مريض
    prison سجن storm عاصفة patience صبر
    prisoner سجين tools أدوات exactly تماما

    Questions and answers
    1-How did Robinson leave England ? When ?
    On a ship in 1651.
    2-What did Robinson Crusoe's parents object to ?
    To become a sailor .
    3-How did Robinson crusoe arrive on the island ?
    There was a strom and he was shipwrecked .
    4-What was the result of the terrible storm ?
    Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island 70 km from America and all the other sailors died .
    5-How did Robinson Crusoe know there was another person on the island ?
    He saw a footprint in the island .
    6-How do you think Crusoe felt when he first arrived on the island ?
    lonely, fear, unknownالمجهول and ambiguity الغموض.
    7-What was Crusoe able to save before sinking of the ship ?
    He saved tools, guns and other useful things from the ship before it sank .
    8-How did crusoe do for getting food ?
    He hunted animals and grew crops for food .
    9-Who were Crusoe's only friend on the island ?
    A bird and some cats were his only friends .
    10-Why was Cruso lonely on the lsland ?
    Because he was the onl human on the island .
    11-Why was Crusoe very surprised after twelve years ?
    He found a human footprint in the Island .
    12-What did Crusoe discover concerning footprints ?
    He discovered that people from the mainland sometimes visited the island and killed their prisoners there .
    13-What did Crusoe teach Friday ?
    A few words of English .
    14-How did Crusoe and Friday save some prisoners ?
    By killing some of people who came from the mainland .
    15-How was Friday's father killed ?
    He was one of the people whom Crusoe and Friday killed .
    16-What happened in December 1686 ?
    An English ship arrived and took Crusoe and Riday off the island .
    17-Why did Crusoe become a rich man ?
    Because a business he had started years ago had been very succssful .
    18-What did Crusoe do after the death of his wife ?
    He had sailed back to the island for the last time .
    19-What did Crusoe find when he returned back to the island ?
    That the islanders were living happy successful lives .
    20-When Robinson arrived in England, what do you think he missed about his life on the island ?
    Peace of mind, clean enviroment, quietness and the simple life .
    21-Why do you think Crusoe went back to the island after his wife's death ?
    to relieve his pains and seek relief .
    22-Why was Crusoe a richman in London?
    Because of the successful business he had started years ago.
    23-When and where was Defoe born?
    In 1660 in London.
    24-What was his father?
    He was a butcher.
    25-What do you think of 'Robinson Crusoe"?
    It was his famous book.
    arrive reach get to
    arrive ( in – at )
    He arrived in Cairo. يصـل مكـان كبيـر
    He arrived at the airport. يصـل مكـان صغيـر
    When did they arrive ?
    بـدون حـرف جـر
    reach object يصـل بـدون حـرف جـر
    He reached the airport. يصـل مكـان صغيـر They reached Cairo. يصـل مكـان كبيـر
    get to يصــل إلى ( بصعــوبة )
    They get to Cairo. They got to Cairo airport

    A)Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    1- They arrived ( in – on – at – to ) London in June 1687.
    2- ( In – On – At – From ) 1651, Robinson Crusoe left England on a ship.
    3- He was shipwrecked on an island which was not far (in– from– at– to) South Africa.
    4- ( At – For – To – Of ) food, he grew crops and hunted animals.
    5- When Crusoe visited the (island-lake-sea-shore) again, he found the islanders were happy.
    6- Crusoe was shipwrecked on an island. He lived ( their–there –then –here ) for 27 years.
    7-We use ( knife – axe – saw - scissors ) to cut meat.
    8- ( A knife – An axe – Scissors – A hammer ) is used to cut wood.
    9 - Your exams are finished, so now you ( must – needn’t – has to – had to )work so hard.
    10-A ( archaeologist – geologist – scientist – biologist ) is the person who studies rocks.
    11- In Ghaza a lot of people died ( of – out – at – in ) Israeli raids.
    12- Some huge animals no longer live on earth, they died ( on – at – out – of ).
    13- All my friends agreed ( on – at – with – to )my suggestion to go to the cinema.
    14- I agreed ( to – with – on – at ) my friend that Alex. Is the most beautiful resort.
    15- It was raining heavily, but I could finally ( get to – reach – arrive – get ) my house.
    16- Although she lives in a big family, she always feels ( alone – lonely – strange ).
    17- My little son could finish his homework ( alone – lonely – only-loan ).
    18- The king died and his eldest son ( succeed- succeeded – succeeding – succeeds ) him.
    19- Our teacher is helpful,(impatient-patient-selfish-lazy) and careful.
    20- Animals look for a (dangerous-dirty-safe-polluted) home for their young to live in.
    21- I was annoyed, so I decided to go out for a ( picnic – a journey – trip – a flight ).
    22- One of the prisoners escaped and stayed ( at – to – with – in ) Crusoe on the island.
    23-(Friday-Sunday-Monday-Tuesday) was a prisoner and Crusoe rescued him.
    B)Read then write the word which best fits:
    One should choose well things that would help him to live on a desert island. For example, an…1……would help to cut wood.A rope will be……2…….for making a boat.A…3…..will help to see things in the dark.Also,radio will help to…4…to music.A…5..can be used to signal to ships.Aknife can be used ……6…a weapon.
    C) Translate into Arabic:
    1-A lot of poor Egyptians died in the shipwrecked in2006.
    2-Robinson Crusoe was lucky as he was the only survivor.
    3-With a gun ,they could protect themselves from wild animals.
    4-It's a surprise to find a human footprint on adesert island.
    5-A fisherman should be patient ,alert and careful.
    #)Ttanslate into English:
    1- أصبح روبنسون غنيا بسبب التجارة الناجحة التى كان بدأهامنذ سنوات
    2-القراءة توسع الأفق وتجدد الفكر
    3-صندوق الأسعافات الأولية شئ ضرورى خلال الرحلات
    4- تعتبر المـــــــــرآه من الأشياء الهامة التى يجب أن تأخذها الى جزيرة مهجورة

    عدد المساهمات : 14
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2009
    العمر : 30

    unit 11 for first year Empty رد: unit 11 for first year

    مُساهمة  Eslam_Mostafa الخميس فبراير 26, 2009 5:22 pm

    مشكوووووور بجد يا مستر عطا علي المجهود ده وكمان الصوره بتاعتك حلوه اووووي مشكور ونتمني المزيد
    حسنى الليثى
    حسنى الليثى

    عدد المساهمات : 278
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2009
    العمر : 66

    unit 11 for first year Empty رد: unit 11 for first year

    مُساهمة  حسنى الليثى الخميس فبراير 26, 2009 9:54 pm

    حمدلله بالسلامه على وصولك المنتدى -

    مشكور ياعزيزى على هذا المجهود الرائع0

    Razz Razz Razz
    احمد نبيل عبدالوهاب
    احمد نبيل عبدالوهاب

    عدد المساهمات : 86
    تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2009
    العمر : 50

    unit 11 for first year Empty رد: unit 11 for first year

    مُساهمة  احمد نبيل عبدالوهاب الجمعة فبراير 27, 2009 9:57 am

    I don't know how we can aporciat your efforts
    خالد شكرى
    خالد شكرى

    عدد المساهمات : 23
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2009
    العمر : 31

    unit 11 for first year Empty thank you

    مُساهمة  خالد شكرى الإثنين مارس 02, 2009 3:20 pm

    شكرا يا مستر عطا على هذا المجهود الرائع ننتظر الجديد Very Happy

      مواضيع مماثلة


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 10:56 pm